#BB11: The WINNERS of the luxury budget task & a new CAPTAINCY contender is..

Its a well known fact how an extravagance spending assignment turns into the explanation behind a considerable measure of show and frenzy getting the most extreme film each week. Also, this week as well, as observed as of now, there has been a considerable measure of show just attributable to the psychological distractions and not physical brutality (for a change).
The two groups, drove by Vikas and Shilpa are as of now taking a stab at everything in their energy and brain to win the errand and the loggerhead fight is as of now obvious.
Be that as it may, today around evening time this is just set to get crazier as Vikas will remain consistent with his ‘brains’ label this subsequent in the triumph of his group.
Truly! Truth is stranger than fiction. After a great deal of methodologies all over, Team Vikas will formally win the errand and with the help of Priyank Sharma, Benafsha Soonawalla will turn into the contender for captaincy.
In any case, the turn in the story lies where, inspite of winning the undertaking, the housemates won’t get the extravagance spending plan.
How is that? The truth will surface eventually…
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