Download zoom meeting attendees. Zoom: View or Download Attendance Lists
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FAQ: How to retrieve the attendance list for a Zoom meeting? | OCIO

As a meeting host, you can view or download a roster of meeting participants. Zoom: View or Download Attendance Lists. Overview. Zoom participants list can be used to record the attendance of meetings and learning activities.
– Download zoom meeting attendees
Step 5. At the top of the Meeting Participant window, select Export with meeting data. If available, select Show unique users. This will make it so each participant only appears once in your list (in the event that a participant left and returned to the meeting, there will be only one listing for that participant with a total duration for the. Adaptez vos salles de conférence aux besoins en constante évolution de vos effectifs tout en offrant un équilibre entre le travail en présentiel et le télétravail grâce aux fonctionnalités vidéo HD et audio, au partage sans fil de contenus et au tableau blanc interactif. Voir une démo Page produit. Zoom Phone. Oct 14, · Download Zoom Client for Meetings. If you have PC or Desktop with Windows 10 Operating System or older then you can use Zoom to download manually through the Given link. Web Browser client of Zoom app will automatically download when user join or start the first zoom meeting. Zoom App download for PC Zoom App download For desktop.