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Terms lateral inversion, dispersion, diffusion and regular reflection are also important for exams.
Mittsure Science-8.
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Written By Prince Last Modified Table of Contents. Latest Updates. View all articles. Leveraging Intelligence To Deliver Results. I already have an Embibe account. Enter OTP. Proceed Resend OTP. Download Here. Chapter 2 — Components of Food. Every combustion needs fuel. Do you know that the substance that undergoes combustion is said to be fuel combustible? Combustion of materials needs the oxygen and ignition temperature.
The minimum temperature required to burn a substance is known as Ignition temperature. The substances which have quite a low ignition temperature, they can easily catch fire with a flame. So, these are called inflammable substances. We should be careful about such substances and keep it away from the flame. Sometimes a material suddenly bursts into flames, without the application of any apparent cause, this is called spontaneous combustion. In Class 8 Science Chapter 7, we will study about deforestation and its causes.
Do you know that due to human activities the fertile land gets converted into deserts? It is called Desertification. As we know that the plants and animals found in a particular area are termed flora and fauna for that area. So, we should preserve our flora and fauna. We should be more careful and protective about Endemic species, which are found exclusively in a particular area. We should know more about Endangered Animals whose numbers are diminishing to a level that they might face extinction.
In Class 8 Science Chapter 8 , we have to study about Cell, its structure and discovery also. There are animals which are divided as per the number of cells present in the body, for example, unicellular or multicellular. Different cells have different functions in the same organism. Chapter 8 of Class 8 Science provides a detailed study about various parts of plant and animal cells.
In sexual reproduction, male and female reproductive organs get involve. The male gamete is known as sperm and the female is known as ova. After the fertilisation , the zygote is formed with later on converted into an embryo.
When, in embryo, all the body parts can be identified, now it is called a foetus. Budding and fission are common ways to generate the new young one in asexual reproduction.
In Class 8 Science Chapter 10 we are going to discuss the period of life, when the body undergoes changes, leading to reproductive maturity, is called adolescence. The period of adolescence may vary from one person to another. At the age of puberty, there may observe the increase of height, change in voice, change in body shape and development of sex organs.
In females, the reproductive phase of life begins at puberty and generally lasts till the age of approximately 45 to 50 years. In Class 8 Science Chapter 11 we are going to know about the terms related to forces and pressure. We know that any push or pull on an object can be treated as a force.
The interaction between two objects results in a force between the two objects. If the forces applied on an object in the same direction, the net force can be obtained by adding one another whereas if the two forces act in the opposite directions on the object, the net force acting can be calculated by subtracting them.
The strength of a force is known as the magnitude of the force. A force may bring a change in the state of motion, shape or position of an object. In Class 8 Science Chapter 12 we will learn about the force of friction and the factors which affect the friction. We know that friction is a necessary evil. It reduces the force but it is useful in most the actions. A moving object would never stop if there were no friction. The substances which reduce friction are called Lubricants.
In some machines, it may not be advisable to use oil as a lubricant. We can reduce friction by putting an air cushion between the moving parts. Rolling of one body over the surface of another body, the resistance to its motion is called Rolling Friction. The frictional force on an object in a fluid depends on its speed in the fluid, the shape of the object and the nature of the fluid.
In Class 8 Science Chapter 13 we have to study about sound and its characteristics. We will know here about vibration and devices which produce vibrations. We can produce a different type of sound with the help of the vocal cord. All the sound produced by a human is just because of the vibration of vocal cords. Sound always requires a material medium to propagate. Different sounds can be identified by their loudness, shrillness, pitch, etc.
Eardrums help us to hear all type of sound. The characteristic of sounds can be known by its frequency, amplitude, wavelength, speed and time periods. In Class 8 Science Chapter 14 we will try to know about different terms related to electricity.
A substance may be termed as a good conductor or bad conductor depending on whether the current can flow through it or not. When we cover a metallic substance with another using electrolysis, it is called electroplating. It is useful to prevent the metallic substance from corrosion also. We all have seen the lightning and heard the thundering during the rainy season. The chapter starts with the concepts of charging and the types of charges as negative and positive.
When two charged objects come close to each other, the transfer of charges takes place. Using electroscope, we can check whether an object is charged or not. It also describes the strength of charge. In Class 8 Science Chapter 16 we will study about light, visibility of objects due to light and laws of reflection.
During the study about light, we should know about Incident Ray, Reflected Ray, Normal at the point of incident. The first law of reflection states that angle of incidence is always equal to the angle of reflection. According to second law of reflection, the incident ray, the normal at the point of incidence and the reflected ray all lie in the same plane. Terms lateral inversion, dispersion, diffusion and regular reflection are also important for exams.
Multiple image of an object due to multiple reflection can be seen in Kaleidoscope. At the end of the chapter, structure of eye, defects of eyes and Braille system of writing is given as important part of chapter 8 of Grade 8 Science. In Class 8 Science Chapter 17 , there are many interesting topics which we see in daily life. Celestial objects like the stars, the planets, the moon and many other objects in the sky are common in day to day life.
Thought the month we can observe the changing phase of the moon. Do you know why the pole star does not appear to move? We can see enormous starts in the sky but the group of stars representing a well-known shape is called a Constellation. Great Bear, Orion, Cassiopeia and Hunter are few common constellations which can be seen easily in the sky.
In Class 8 Science Chapter 18 we will know the factor affecting air and water pollution. Air is being polluted at large scale in the world due to human activities. The reason of pollution may be natural phenomena like smoke and dust arising from forest fires or volcanic eruptions.
Increasing air pollution may cause the global warming. Mixing of harmful and toxic water like sewage, toxic chemicals, silt, etc. Water level is going down every day in the most of the countries. Everything is given as separate PDF files. Assignments, Notes, Sample Papers, Chapter test and other study material will be uploaded very soon. Please give feedback and suggestions to improve the contents and quality if possible.
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