#BB11: Sneha Wagh is WORRIED as to what if Akash Dadlani WINS ‘Bigg Boss Season 11’

We are scarcely a couple of days from the finish of Bigg Boss Season 11 and we can securely say, it has been a standout amongst the most disputable and fruitful periods of the show without a doubt.
And keeping in mind that many individuals have their wagers set on a few contenders as of now, the dramatization keeps on heaping up.
As of late, a video of Akash Dadlani and Hina Khan battling was doing the rounds, where Shilpa Shinde likewise came in to help Hina Khan. A similar film was broadcast yesterday.
And keeping in mind that many have just been communicating their sicken on Akash’s conduct, performing artist and energetic Bigg Boss watcher, Sneha Wagh additionally had brief comment about the same-
Yeh kya hogaya? Naye saal ka naya jhatka specifically originating from DADLANI khandaan ke Chirag#AkashDadlani #PuneeshSharma #VikasGupta #ShilpaShinde #HinaKhan
why o why ! Mata ki Mala is the culprit.#BB11 #BiggBoss11 @ColorsTV @BiggBoss yeh Chirag sach mein Jeet gaya toh ??? 😱😱😱 https://twitter.com/biggboss/status/948154405215506433 …
5:01 PM – Jan 2, 2018
14 Replies 22 Retweets 138 preferences
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In the event that you don’t care for Akash Dadlani, envision imagine a scenario in which he really wins the show.
Do you consider Akash to be the champ of the show?