Garud is a doting son who goes leaps and beyond to save his mother: Faisal Khan from Dharm Yoddha Garud

The world has yet to witness the story of the almighty Garud, the King of Birds. Garud’s powers knows no bounds as he can support the entire world on a single feather. Yet it is not his physical prowess that makes him legendary in the Hindu mythology, it is his complete devotion to his mother Vinta that makes him Dharm Yoddha Garud.
Have a look at a quick interview with Faisal Khan on his new show. Read on the interview.
How does it feel to be associated with Sony SAB?
I am elated to be a part of Sony SAB because I was waiting for an opportunity to work with them since a long time. I always wanted to do something in the supernatural, mythological genre and no channel better than Sony SAB to start with. Sony SAB also offers a lot of light-hearted, quality, progressive content, so I know for a fact that this is the right stepping stone for me.
Mythology as a concept continues to be prevalent in Indian TV space, how is Garud different?
Dharm Yoddha Garud is very different from the other mythological dramas as this features the ‘Untold Story’ of Garud; a character who is so mighty and powerful but quite unknown in the minds of the people. Garud can fly, he can defeat the undefeatable and of course with his character itself we can find a taste of various elements tapping into several themes of mythology, mother-son bond, fulfilling one’s duty, etc.
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Say something about your character. What do you like most about getting to play your character?
I draw so much inspiration from Garud, he is truly the ideal, doting son who goes leaps and beyond to save his mother from the grasp of his evil family. His story is bone-chilling and I am sure it will keep you hooked because there are so many adventures he goes in and comes back unscathed only because he uses his wit along with power. He is essentially a protector, very sensitive and hyper-intelligent. He is so righteous and filled with integrity that greed does not affect him and even the most powerful Gods and demons are anxious in his presence.
It is a huge honour for me to get to play Garud’s character. I love my wings even though they weigh 14kgs. We wanted to keep things as real as possible hence we avoided relying too much on CG technologies. If it was humanly possible for me to fly, I definitely would give it a try (laughs). The wings, the get up, the use of real-time virtual production technique, Ultimatte is being used for the first time in an Indian television. So yes, I love my wings, I love Garud’s story and most-importantly, I am in love with Garud as a character.
How has your journey of transformation been for the show?
I lost around 8 kgs to start with because I imagine Garud in a certain way and I want to look exactly like that. I haven’t reached my goal physique yet but I am consistent with my journey and I am hoping to accomplish the target weight and body very soon. It has been no doubt a very hectic journey for me because I am a very big foodie and yet I had to lose a lot of weight. I have put in a lot of hard work and effort into the character, I have been going to the gym two times a day, I maintain a clean diet and now that I am close to looking like Garud, I am super happy. This is only the start and I will work even harder to portray Garud in the best possible way
What kind of preparations did you go through to study and understand the character?
In order to play Garud, I had to go through a physical and mental transformation. The most challenging thing about playing this role was the lack of reference around it. Today if I set foot to play Lord Krishna or GaneshJi, I have points of reference to help guide me through the process. In this case, I had to extensively research on the real Garud and tried my best to make him come alive onscreen. We are doing a lot of modifications impromptu on the set so that the audience can get a real feel of the character. Mentally, I have tried to understand Garud, and form an emotional connect with him. It took a while but now that I am attuned, I can play the character while closing my eyes also.
Apart from this I have been consistently working on my physique so that I can look like the mighty Garud. When I think of Garud, I think he looks a certain way, a very strong muscular bodied being, and I want the audience to be able to relate to me when I play Garud. I have also tried to use my imagination and set the tone for the character, for example how would the real Garud walk, how would he talk and accordingly I have tried to train myself for it. I have also gone through hours of labour trying to fix my posture, my movements and give it an authentic look and feel.
What makes your character stand out?
Every aspect of Garud sets him apart from all other characters. Garud is a half bird-half human celestial being who’s only goal in life is to provide justice and security to his mother. He does not boost about his physical prowress, he is grounded by his integrity. Even Lord Vishnu is so moved by him that he offers him to be his vahana or mount. Such is his influence, the whole universe fears challenging him. Yet, he largely remains unknown. Sony SAB aims to shed light on his journey, the numerous adventures he takes on and wants to make it seem as real and effortless as possible.
Any message for your fans/audience?
I was waiting to be a part of a show which proves my ability as an actor and I think Garud is the perfect show for me. I am finally coming back on TV, I would urge my audience to please watch Dharm Yoddha Garud and shower your love and blessings.
Stay Tuned to Sony SAB’s Dharm Yoddha Garud, Mon – Sat, 7 PM only on Sony SAB!