OMG! Dheeraj Dhoopar becomes the victim of a FRAUD!

Performer Dheeraj Dhoopar otherwise known as Prem from Kundali Bhagya on Zee TV is at present having the best time professionally as the show keeps on garnish the rating diagrams successively in fiction classification.
Be that as it may, he as of late went over an unexpected example by and by, when he turned into the casualty of a fake.
Truly! Believe it or not. As per a main news day by day, Dheeraj was the casualty of a Mastercard extortion, where his card was swiped for Rs 13,000 unconsciously.
Luckily for him, Dheeraj reached the bank promptly and for the card was hindered before he acquires substantial misfortunes.
We trust Dheeraj likewise gets his misfortunes concealed as well.