REVIEW: ‘Ek Aastha Aisi Bhee’ subtly manages to portray the era of ‘Believers’ & ‘Atheists’

At the point when the show, ‘Ek Aatha Aisi Bhee’ was declared, there was a moment interest, as it was set to touch an idea that was truly dangerous.’ Thanks to any semblance of a film like ‘Goodness My God’, this thought is not a self-destructive one any longer.
Be that as it may, introducing a thought of being a skeptic and having the capacity to legitimize it on TV is most likely the greatest assignment one can persist and ‘Ek Aastha Aisi Bhee’ has received the same.
Seven days of scenes down, I will break down how the show has depicted the possibility of skepticism rather than religious convictions.
The Story So Far…
Starting with some not really stunning representation informing us concerning how the universe of stars is associated with the confidence in God, and think about who is disclosing to every one of us this…? God himself. A female voiceover then discloses to us how the world works and lectures God in their way, however there is one young lady who is an oddity; none other than Aastha (Tina Phillip).
Aastha is a nonbeliever, who is a basic young lady with basic convictions. Also, right away, we are given being an agnostic doesn’t mean foul mouthing about God. Aastha does some “unsatisfactory” things which incorporate deceiving a truck to be ended with the goal that she can take scones and water. She even makes a “fake” Stone God adjacent waterway so she concocts a story that the shaking stone is feeling cool and should be cladded with covers.
Nonetheless, she is just doing this so she can help the needy individuals being nourished and furnished with covers to cover themselves. Aastha has a debilitated mother who cherishes her a considerable measure and battles her approach of being a nonbeliever since she lost her dad at a youthful age.
At that point enters a youthful and athletic chap in the most unexpected way. How is that? The person does some wiped out parkour in the city of Kolkata to make it on time to witness the darshan of God, which were going to get closed. What’s more, that fellow is none other than, Shiv (Kanwar Dhillon).
We are then acquainted with a parallel world where a palatial house has to a great degree religious tenants headed by Laxmi (Manasi Salvi). The house has three couples drove by Laxmi and her significant other (Vivek Mushran) alongside a more youthful sibling and a child and their individual spouses. A journalist has come to meet the ‘Papad Mogul’ Laxmi who is effective as well as known to be a vigorous fan of God.
What takes after is an incredible event, as a feline comes and beverages the drain which should be offered to God. Baffled about what to do now, as the drain can’t be offered to God any longer, Laxmi chooses this needs to made up for. The entire family sits and cleans up with the drain in a tribute to redress the misstep that has happened.
Back to the underlying scene, Aastha is going to her closest companion’s wedding which is anticipating the passage of a regarded individual, without whom the procedures can’t occur.
Enters the quiet, controlling and administering God-like element, Guru Maa (Sharanpreet Kaur) who is exceptionally specific about the regard she gets. The wedding procedures proceed yet are then upset by the prep’s dad who specifies that without the give and take of Gold, this marriage can’t occur.
A really strange custom takes after, where gold is put on a measuring scale to get it leveled with the symbol of a Goddess.
The defiant Aastha, being not able take it, stands firm by making her closest companion (the lady) sit on the scale clarifying that a young lady is thought to be “laxmi” so be it Gold or genuine laxmi, it doesn’t make a difference who is sitting and the custom would even now be finished.
Master Maa is awed to see Aastha and her approach, where she imagines that Aastha is an impassioned enthusiast of God. Actually, Lakshmi’s (Manasi Salvi) family regards Guru Maa the most and brings choices with her direction. In a telephonic discussion, Guru Maa tells that she has found the ideal young lady for Shiv and Lakshmi requests that Shiv prepare as he needs to meet the imminent lady of the hour.
Henceforth, at last, Lakshmi orders Shiv to make a beeline for Manali with a specific end goal to meet Guruma and the planned lady. As much as Shiv loathes it, he consents to go as he can’t defy Guru Maa’s requests. After some common Bollywood style incidental’ gatherings, Shiv and Aastha really meet at Aastha’s place, where they are stunned to find out about the arrangement of them getting hitched to each other.
Will Guru Maa find out about Aastha being a skeptic? Will she alter her opinion about Aastha and Shiv’s organization together? By what means will Aastha face the devoutness of Shiv’s family? The truth will surface eventually.
Rating – **** (4/5)
What’s Good?
We run over probably the most alleviating visuals in the show with some astounding ethereal shots and the sections that include Aastha and her mom in Manali, where you feel the smoothness and tranquility of the place.
The idea is without a doubt an outright victor in its sense as exhibiting secularism to Indian gatherings of people on TV would have been considered as an imbecilic thought. In any case, the introduction has been totally splendid where it doesn’t belittle or affronts any religious approach, essentially.
The most complicated of points of interest are been dealt with, for eg.- the luxurious feasting table of Lakshmi’s family is an Indian-seating style table, where one needs to crease their legs to sit and eat. This highlights the customary qualities the family takes after inspite of being rich and taking after a luxurious way of life.
Rating – **** (4/5)
What’s Not-So-Good?
The altering of the show is the greatest disappointment, as while in one casing, a scene closes at Shiv bowing down to God after his parkour stunt, the other scene starts with a crying Aastha. Obviously, not that we expected a continuation, but rather it appears to be everywhere on occasion.
In the midst of some powerhouse entertainers, Tina Phillip otherwise known as Aastha may truly need to catch up on her acting abilities as the show’s obligation is on her shoulders. The performer is astonishing with her exchange conveyance however needs to work upon her depiction of expressions.
Rating – **(2/5)
The Performances
As said above, Tina Phillip otherwise known as Aastha may have some work to do generally yet is charming as the lead of the show. She is chirpy, bubbly, sweet and adoring with her execution and articulation of discoursed being at standard.
Kanwar Dhillon as Shiv gives the cutting edge touch to the show, where he is an evil chap additionally obeys and takes after his family’s faithful qualities. He adds the lighthearted element to the show and his on-screen science with Tina is as of now phenomenal.
Manasi Salvi completely kills her character as Lakshmi and is effortlessly the best variable to watch the show. While she is the leader of the family, she is additionally a sincere individual who embraces values and makes it an indicate satisfy them. Whatever is left of the family fears her and the way in which Manasi acts out being the sweet-yet-strict mother is totally stunning.
Nobody can tell that this show is Sharanpreet Kaur otherwise known as Gurumaa’s undeniable TV make a big appearance as an on-screen character. Sharanpreet as Gurumaa always conveys that craftiness grin and doesn’t give anybody a chance to overlook that Gurumaa merits regard and there is no generally to it. They way the performing artist depicts the character, you will neither like the character yet not abhor it as well, which is a definitive objective and she is astonishing at it.
Whatever remains of the supporting cast which incorporates Vivek Mushran, Subhashish Jha, Pallavi Rao and Anita Kulkarni carry out their occupations genuinely well and experience the exhibitions of different performing artists.
Rating – **** (4/5)
The Verdict
‘Ek Aastha Aisi Bhee’ might brandish one of the “most dangerous” ideas, however does likewise with total genuineness and fresh treatment. Regardless of the possibility that a specific practice towards God is scrutinized, the intelligent clarification to the same is superbly well-suited and figures out how to persuade even the dedicated individuals. What particularly works in the show’s support is the manner by which it is depicting both Believers’ and Atheists.’ Not just does that give a fine adjust, additionally comes in as an alleviation for the general population who are not agnostics.
Agnostic or not, A devotee to God or not… ‘Ek Aastha Aisi Bhee’ is a demonstrate that can’t be missed till its remaining consistent with its idea!
Rating – **** (4/5)
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