Sanjay Dutt starrer Bhoomi to release on September 22

One of 2017’s most foreseen motion pictures, Omung Kumar’s Bhoomi that denote the arrival of Sanjay Dutt will now discharge on September 22. The new discharge date was affirmed by makers Bhushan Kumar and Sandeep Singh.
Sanjay Dutt alongside the cast and group of Bhoomi are presently shooting for the peak divides in Mumbai as a major aspect of the second and last calendar of the film subsequent to finishing the main timetable in Agra and Chambal. Executive Omung Kumar says, “Sanjay has given his best execution till date and I am happy that we are expanding the reckoning for the gatherings of people.”
Says Producer Bhushan Kumar, “We are to a great degree cheerful to have our film at long last discharge on September 22 this year. Sanjay and our whole group discovered it a well-suited choice to move the discharge date by a month as this would give us enough time to advance the film.”
Discussing the film, Producer Sandeep Singh attests, “Sanjay demanded that he didn’t need his rebound film to conflict with any other individual. He trusts that given the sort of diligent work that goes into making a film, it can’t come down to undesirable rivalry in the cinema world.”
Bhoomi is an enthusiastic and delicate reprisal show that investigates the connection between a father and girl. Delivered by T-Series and Legend Studios, Bhoomi discharges worldwide on September 22, 2017.
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