Gear up for another DEATH in ‘Beyhadh’ as it approaches the finale!

Sony TV’s Beyhadh has figured out how to keep the watchers snared on to the show after it got an augmentation back in August. The show will now go off-air some place in mid-October.
What’s more, this implies the convoluted show of Maya (Jennifer Winget), Saanjh (Aneri Vajani) and Arjun (Kushal Tandon) will develop to an unexpected finale soon.
Over the time, the show has figured out how to deliver probably the most amazing passings as Ashwin (Rajesh Khattar), Prem (Imran Khan) and Vandana (Swati Shah) by the hands of Maya (Jennifer Winget).
Furthermore, before we achieve the finale, yet another stunning passing is set to happen which will leave the group of onlookers amazed. What’s more, that would be none other than that of Janvi (Kavita Ghai)!
Indeed! It’s hard to believe, but it’s true.
In the event that recollected, Maya had endeavored to kill Janvi various circumstances in those days, in any case, this time, her passing will happen when one would wouldn’t dare hoping anymore.
Maya will be seen arranging a dangerous assault on Saanjh and exactly when we would believe it’s a great opportunity to say farewell to Saanj, Janvi will come in the middle of and spare Saanjh, therefore giving up herself. This will leave everybody perplexed and Maya, who endeavored to murder Janvi beforehand would be the most stung.
What will be the repercussions of this? By what method will Arjun-Maya-Saanjh’s adventure end? The truth will surface eventually!