Gurdeep Kohli joins Ronit Roy and Mona Singh in Alt Balaji’s next…

There is as of now a buzz in the media about Alt Balaji’s web arrangement restricting in Ronit Roy and Mona Jaswir Singh for key parts. The story will be an unmitigated sentimental one, with unobtrusive dosage of dramatization, comic drama and feelings.
What’s more, now, the most recent we hear is that Gurdeep Kohli will likewise be a piece of the show. Gurdeep, who is as of now found in Zee TV’s Sethji will play a positive character in the arrangement. She will be playing Ronit Roy’s significant other.
We reached Gurdeep who affirmed the news, “Yes, I am doing the arrangement. Its an intriguing character is all that I can state.”
It would without a doubt make an intriguing watch to see Mona, Ronit and Gurdeep together in an edge!