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Zoom Virtual Backgrounds: Marketing Toolkit: For Faculty & Staff: School of Liberal Arts: IUPUI

Безусловно, быть может и вонь тоже защитит. – спросил Ричард. – А потом все проснутся.
Zoom Online Meeting Tool – Academic Services – Get Support – IT Support – IUP – Social media
If you wish to test connecting to a meeting from videoconferencing equipment, you will need to create and host a meeting to join first, as meetings cannot be hosted from videoconferencing equipment.
While it is possible to join a Zoom meeting as a guest , UITS recommends that you sign into Zoom with your IU account before joining a meeting, for a more secure meeting experience.
If you need to join multiple meetings simultaneously, see Joining multiple meetings simultaneously on desktop. Install Zoom on a desktop or mobile device. Join a Zoom meeting On this page:. Knowledge Base Toggle local menu Menus About the team. Knowledge Base Search. Log in. Options Help Chat with a consultant. Include archived documents. Join a Zoom meeting On this page:. Zoom requires you to update your software if it’s more than nine months behind the current version.
It sounds pretty good to me, so I’ll leave that where it is. I can also test the microphone that’s going to make sure that the other people can hear me. When I click on ‘Test mic,’ it will record for a few seconds and then after it’s detected silence, it’ll play that recording back. So now I’m testing the microphone. That sounds plenty loud. So I think I’m all set. Also, you’ll notice a few configuration options down at the bottom.
One of them that you’ll want to check is mute my microphone. When joining a meeting for almost all of your classes, they’re going to be multiple people in the room. And so starting out by default with your microphone muted means that any background sounds from your house, other people in the house, or pets, things like that won’t be distracting from the learning environment.
You can always unmute your microphone at any time if you need to speak up or talk. But setting it to mute my microphone when joining a meeting is probably a wise thing. Once your audio has been configured, you can also go in and configure your video settings if you’d like.
Many of your classes won’t require you to have a video feed, but if you want to make sure that you’re ready to go and you have a webcam, you can get that set up.
You can play around with the angle, the lighting, whatever it is you need to get set here. And then once you’re happy with the way things look, you’re good to go. You can close this dialogue and wait for the meeting to start. If you happen to be very early for the meeting, you can also close this dialogue and just come back to the link at a later time.
Description of the video: Welcome back. We’ll talk about different ways that you might connect from your computer using audio and video streams, or just using dial in access with a phone If you have bad internet access. We’ll also show you what it looks like to be in a waiting room, which is something you might experience before some of your classes start.
Once you have Zoom installed and configured, entering meetings is more straightforward, and you click on the link, you’ll be taken to the Zoom portal. And you may have to tell your system that it’s okay to run Zoom.
The very first time you enter a meeting, it’s going to ask you for your name. This is the name that will be displayed to your instructor and the other students. So you should just go ahead and type in your full name so that everybody knows who you are. If this ‘remember my name for future meetings’ is selected, you won’t have to complete this step again. When I click ‘join the meeting,’ one of two things will happen.
Either I’ll be told that I am placed into a waiting room, which is just the spot where I can hang out until the instructor is ready to let students into the classroom. And again, in this waiting room, you’ll see that if I want to, I can go in and do that same audio and video configuration that we looked at in the previous tutorial.
Otherwise, I can just hang out in the waiting room until the instructor lets me in. Other instructors may not set up a waiting room, in which case you won’t see this dialogue. When you click into the meeting, just instantly jump into the classroom. But for now, we’ll just wait.
When I entered the meeting, I’ll be prompted whether or not I want to join with computer audio or run through that test and configuration set up. Again, since I’ve already got my audio and video configured, I’m going to click on ‘join with computer audio. You won’t have the same video capabilities. But if you don’t have fast Internet access and still want to be able to follow along with the classes and participate. You can click on this phone call option here and you’ll receive a list of phone numbers that are available to you to dial in.
When you enter that phone number, you’ll be prompted to enter the meeting ID, which is listed here. And you’ll also be prompted to enter your participant ID right here. And then you’ll join the meeting as an audio only stream. Since I do have video access, I’m going to go ahead and join with computer audio.
And once I do that, I’m connected to Dr. Jason Gold, the instructor for this meeting. By default what you’ll see is that my microphone icon over here has a line through it, which means that it’s muted. And that’s because I did set up Zoom to mute me automatically when I joined meetings. Also, my video icon has a line through it, which means that I’m not displaying any video.
And you can see up here that all that’s being shown is my name. If I want to turn the audio on, I can just click on that.
And now Jason should be able to hear me. Jason, Can you hear me alright? Can I hear you? Hi Rick; good morning. Hey, perfect. And if I wanted to turn on video, I can also click on ‘Start video’ here. And what you’ll see is up at the top I get a small version of the video screen which shows what Jason and the other participants in the meeting are seeing. Hi Jason. What’s up? Not a whole lot. So I’m now going to go ahead and stop that video and we’ll go back to just hanging out.
And we’ll talk about the different tools that you have available for interacting with your instructor and your other classmates while you’re in the class.
So if you’ve entered a meeting and the instructor doesn’t have their video running, or if they’re not sharing any resources with you, then this is sort of the default thing that you’ll see. It’s a pretty bland meeting screen without too much going on. As you saw before, if the instructor has their video running, you’ll see their face or whatever they’ve chosen to show.
Download zoom iu.Get to know Zoom
For the best experience in Zoom, you’ll want to make sure you have the Zoom desktop client installed and kept up-to-date on your computer. This video will walk you through downloading and installing the Zoom desktop client, as well as show you how to check for updates.
NOTE: If you prefer to skip right to the section about updating the Zoom client, in the upper left corner of the video player, click on the Navigation button three horizontal lines , then click on Chapter 2: Updating the Zoom Desktop Client. Checking for updates is simple and is done right through the Zoom client — and the process is the same on both Windows and Mac computers. To start the process of installing the Zoom client, open a web browser and go to zoom.
On this page, to download the Zoom client, under the heading Zoom Client for Meetings, click the Download button. Your web browser will start downloading the file. At this point, depending on your operating system, the Zoom installer will behave a little differently. In Mac OS, double-clicking the file will open the Zoom installer, which walks you through the process of installing Zoom.
On Windows, the Zoom desktop client will automatically start installing after you double-click the file. At this point, the application will look and behave similarly on both Windows and Mac computers.
To start signing in, click the Sign In button. The Sign In screen will display. SSO stands for single sign-on, which is a way of signing in to some services and websites with one single account, eliminating the need to have multiple usernames and passwords for many different services.
Log in with your IU username and passphrase here, and authenticate with Duo if necessary. To start checking for updates, in the upper right corner of the Zoom client window, click on your profile photo — or your initials if you do not have a profile photo set. In the menu that appears, click Check for Updates. Depending on the size of the update, this can take some time. When the update has finished downloading, two buttons will appear at the bottom right of the screen: Update and Later.
To close Zoom and perform the update now, click Update. Zoom will close, and the client will update. Once the update is complete, Zoom will reopen, and you can use Zoom again.
On this page, to download the Zoom client, under the heading Zoom Client for Meetings , click the Download button. This way, Zoom will be ready for us whenever we want to join a meeting. To start signing in, click the Sign In. SSO stands for single sign-on , which is a way of signing in to some services and websites with one single account, eliminating the need to have multiple usernames and passwords for many different services.
To start checking for updates, in the upper right corner of the Zoom client window, click on your profile photo, or your initials if you do not have a profile photo set. When the update has completed downloading, two buttons will appear at the bottom right of the dialog box: Update and Later. Twitter Facebook.