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PokerTracker is an online poker software tool to track player statistics with hand history analysis and a real time HUD to display poker player statistics. Enabling the Zoom Poker HUD · Manual Import Configuration for (Users who play Zoom will need to configure PokerTracker 4 manually).
Customize Your PokerTracker Stats | PokerTracker 4 Community
This simple word describes PokerTracker’s commitment to assuring that the tools you use as an online poker player augment your game while not interfering with your decision process. PokerTracker 4 was built from the ground up to allow players full customization of the HUD, reports, stats, automated notes, currency, and even the replayer skin while assuring the user interface is responsive and instinctive to use. Importing hands has never been easier!
You can rest easy knowing that PokerTracker’s Quality Assurance team is always available to ensure any updates released by your chosen poker network or site will be supported as quickly as possible through downloadable patches. We listened carefully to the requests from the extensive online community of poker players while developing PokerTracker 4; the result is an interface that is easier to learn while providing more features than ever before. Our goal was simple, our software is designed to help poker players to be more productive while playing and to simplify post-game analysis.
The result was the creation of the single most important piece of online poker software that every poker player must have to be successful! Don’t just take our word for it, you must try PT4 yourself: see how using PokerTracker 4 can help improve your game by taking advantage of our free day trial. The PokerTracker 4 HUD was built from the ground up to empower you to make the best possible decisions as you play, while avoiding interference with your game.
The HUD makes playing multiple tables easier by displaying statistics gathered in game with your opponents on the poker table for efficient analysis. Your heads-up display always remains clean and organized thanks to PokerTracker 4’s new vector scaling display.
Built to match modern poker client technologies, you can resize your tables without affecting the layout of the HUD. The text grows proportionately with the size of the table using a smooth graphics rendering engine. The redesigned default layout features properties that allow you to change the position for each stat, as well as filter to in or out of position for each postflop stat.
Fast Poker games such as PokerStars Zoom have become very popular, PokerTracker 4 is built for the future with these new game formats in mind.
Enabling Zoom HUD support allows for prefetching of opponent names and seat locations to place the HUD data for each player at the table accurately. The development staff at PokerTracker Software pledge to continue to add support for all of the major speed poker games as they are added to more poker sites, whenever possible. We listened carefully to the requests from the extensive online community of poker players while developing PokerTracker 4, the result is an interface that is easier to learn while providing more features than ever before.
Our developers worked with many world-class consulting players to create the filters, charts, graphs and reports built-into PokerTracker 4. Each tool was created to efficiently deliver the results you need by using a logical user interface that is natural to learn.
We have included a wide array of brand new reports and charts in PokerTracker 4 to make it easier for game analysis and hand review. Explore how specific stats interact with one another and correlate with win rates with PokerTracker 4’s new Global Graphs:. Don’t just take our word for it, you must try PT4 yourself: see how using PokerTracker 4 can help improve your game by taking advantage of our free 14 day trial.
Underneath the hood lies a powerful engine that you can customize for your personal needs. Want to add a new statistic to a built-in report? Change the skin of the replayer?
Include positional fold to 3Bet stats in your HUD profile? Plot your rake as a moving average against your winnings graph? PokerTracker 4 has you covered…. One of the most exciting features in PT4 is the new HUD Profile Editor where your creative control is limited only by your own imagination.
Each item added has multiple properties that can be edited to define how the item looks and displays the data it contains. These properties include:. Eventually the game will grow to a point where a new stat will be needed to meet the needs of our users.
That is why PokerTracker 4 is designed to be extendable through the addition of custom stats. The hand history replayer includes a larger and uncluttered interface to make analysis of hands postgame much easier.
The default PokerTracker 4 report interface contains nearly everything you may need for day to day results analysis, but you can rest comfortably knowing that at any time you can have it your way by adding, removing, or relocating statistics for better analysis. All of PokerTracker’s built-in reports can be customized to show the stats you need.
Right click to export your reports to CSV, export the hands you select right in the report, choose to replay a range of hands or even upload the range as a YouTube video. In addition, if you want to create custom reports from scratch you can use the My Reports tool to display your data as you wish complete with your own filtering, grouping, and sorting options saved with the report.
The ClearType wizard will tune your operating system to make sure that all text looks the way you want it too on your screen. In addition to helping PokerTracker 4’s HUD, you will find this will be a benefit to the display of fonts system-wide. Check Turn on Cleartype and click next to cycle through the pages of the ClearType wizard to tune your on-screen text to your optimal conditions.
If you have problems with Preferred Seating or Auto Center, or even stats appearing by the wrong players when you are not using these options please read the Preferred Seating tutorial , and also consult the PokerTracker 4 Site Configuration Guide for your respective poker site or network. To address both issues you will need to first configure enable the Fast Fold HUD option for your poker site:. Once the options are configured correctly to allow the Fast Fold table HUD to be displayed, then follow these steps exactly to ensure the HUD is displayed above each opponent’s name:.
If you have follwed these instrctions but you continue to have any HUD issues, please close both PokerTracker 4 and your poker client and then start again from step 1. If you experience a large delay before your HUD displays on Fast Fold tables you may have some hand histories files that aren’t being processed correctly.
Please follow the steps from this guide on moving processed files to ensure hands are being processed efficiently at the end of your session. Enabling the Move Processed Files feature will greatly reduce the time between starting the import and the appearance of your HUD. PokerTracker 4 is compatible with Retina screens, but Windows is not fully compatible with Retina displays. This is why in some scenarios you may find that your HUD is misplaced when using Parallels and Windows.
This is not a PokerTracker bug, it is a configuration error within Windows and Parallels. Please see the Parallels Knowledge Base for details how to address this issue. Mission Control is a window and app manager built into Mac OS X that combines Virtual Desktops Spaces , an application switcher, and a window manager into one centralized tool. PokerTracker 4’s HUD will only function if the poker table or the replayer is within the primary Mission Control desktop space.
The PokerTracker 4 application can exist in any of the desktop spaces assignable within Mission Control, but the HUD will only appear within Desktop 1. Sign In Create Account. Other Guides General Guides 4. Site Configuration Tutorials Troubleshooting 9. Databases Third Party Apps 2. Table of Contents Overview. HUD Issues.