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Tera Mera Saath Rahe isn’t going off-air: Giaa Manek confirms

It is back with yet another update from the world of television. We strive hard to provide genuine and authentic updates to our avid readers.

Earlier in the day, there were reports that Star Bharat’s show ‘Tera Mera Saath Rahe’ will soon go off air and Rajan Shahi’s next starring Shaheer Sheikh will replace the show.

Armed with the information we buzzed actress Giaa Manek who plays the lead role in the show. And to our surprise, Giaa denied the news and rubbished the rumors.

She texted us stating that the show isn’t going off- air while she also confirmed that no time-slot change will happen. She wrote, “Show isn’t going off air. News is incorrect. All just speculations”.

With Giaa’s confirmation, we’re sure that the fans of the show will be happy.

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We also contacted the producer of the show Mr. Ved Raj but couldn’t connect with him.

It will be interesting to know as to which show would replace to make space for Rajan Shahi’s next. While Shaheer is confirmed male lead for the show, speculations are rife that Hiba Nawab might play the female lead of the show.

‘Tera Mera Saath Rahe’ is produced by Shoonya Square Productions. The show has a star cast that include actors like Mohammed Nazim, Giaa Manek, Rupal Patel among others.

Keep reading this space for more updates from the entertainment world.

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