ALT Balaji M.O.M: Legal Boundaries Stop Ekta Kapoor From Using Image of Actual ISRO Rocket
ALT Balaji as of late declared its new up and coming web arrangement titled M.O.M – Mission Over Mars – roused by the story the ladies behind India’s fruitful Mangalyaan mission. Ekta Kapoor, on her birthday, uncovered the publication of the arrangement.
Be that as it may, when the notice was propelled it drew swarms of fire for utilizing incorrectly picture of ISRO rocket. A segment of individuals even proceeded to reprimand the showrunners’ clear absence of examination into the subject before the publication dispatch.
Ekta Kapoor explained the explanation for the notice saying that “Can’t utilize d isro rocket !!! Legitimate limits! Check d articulation n d disclaimer underneath d post”
As indicated by the official proclamation gotten by us, “The up and coming show is an anecdotal adjustment of the genuine saints at ISRO who dealt with Mangalyaan and set a noteworthy achievement putting India solidly on the worldwide guide. Be that as it may, as a key call taken by various gatherings, we have gone down the fiction course for this show. Also, we are lawfully bound not to utilize real names or pictures of either the general population, articles or offices included. Remembering our authoritative commitments, exposure material of the show was structured.”